Wednesday 15 August 2007

The birds and the bees

Some of the other exhibits...
This display was particularly unusual. The combination of these bold, dark sketches with the quirky 3d bird houses was as unusual as intriging, especially as bees do not live in birds houses... there was no sign of honey or any other bee related things... only bird houses and strange flame like illustrations. Perhaps it symbolised some sort of take over or invasion??? Were the bees attacking the birds... Birds and the bees??? Does it symbolise some kind of sexual war or tension?

These tents were here to advertise the exhibition space at the gallery along with a seperate feedback area for visitors to write comments and leave suggestions.

I realy liked the use of colour here in the oil on canvas piece "Helios" by Gillian Ayres. The paint has been applied so thickly it really gives a rich texture and feeling to the piece.

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